For some time now, COVID-19 rates have been steadily declining in New York. The State also reports almost half of its population has received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. With this positive progress, many employers have been wondering what the next step of Governor Cuomo’s “smart reopening” will be. Well, we finally got an answer!
Beginning May 19, capacity restrictions for most New York industries, including offices, will end. There is one caveat, however: everyone within the building must remain 6 feet apart. (So, you may have to play some musical desks with your furniture.). Remember to update any policies you may have in place, including your Safety Plan, that reference occupancy limits.
It’s refreshing to see restrictions begin to ease as New Yorkers are finally progressing back to some semblance of “normal”. If you have any questions about this or anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the Dowling Law team.